Since the launch of the Social Media epidemic, users from all across the globe have found what you can and cannot do in the Social Media playground.  Similar to Google and some of the other powerhouses of the web, Social Media had no clear blueprint of what worked and what did not in the beginning.  Trial and error was the only real course anyone had in navigating through Social Media.  Thousands of little icons and emojis later, things are much different.  There is some understanding to Social Media these days, which is only making the Social Media realm bigger and bigger.  Here is what is working and what is not as we come to a close of 2015.

1.) PROMOTE ALL OF YOUR ACCOUNTS - One of the best features that the majority of Social Media outlets have is they can normally be synced to one another.  Instead of just posting a picture on Instagram, you now can post to Facebook, Twitter, etc. with a couple extra clicks.  Not to mention they all allow their own avenue of contacting and reaching out to people and potential customers (if you're a business).  If you are trying to contact people for your business, would you want to be using one telephone or 5-6?  

2.) DO NOT OVER POST - Does anyone else hate when they are scrolling through their newsfeed and you keep seeing the same person posting one thing after another?  Me too.  Don't be that person...please.  What do you do when you are fed up with spam and emails that come to frequently?  Unsubscribe or delete it right...Well you just got unsubscribed on Instagram because you posted the last hour of your life in five minute increments.  Make your posts valuable!  

3.) RESPOND TO YOUR CUSTOMERS - For your Social Media to grow and be beneficial from a business standpoint, you need to be social with your followers/audience.  For instance, don't post something and not respond to a comment someone has written in regards to your post.  You posted it to draw some attention or start a discussion, right?  Well, you got the attention now let's keep that discussion going.  If you can make the post or situation more personable I promise you will have a better response in any situation.  Put some thought into it.  You want your Social Media to be the nicest, coolest, best-looking guy on the block.

4.) DO NOT GO M.I.A. - If you want to stay the nice, cool, good-looking guy in school, you can't just go an entire week without coming to school.  If your followers think you might have left or no one is running the account anymore, they could unfollow you.  If you think you might not have time or could forget certain days, try finding an app that will allow you to schedule certain posts on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.  by selecting the day and time and it automatically will post.  Not staying active and current in your Social Media is doing the opposite of what Social Media is.

5.) BEING DIFFERENT IS COOL -  Think about how many social media accounts are created every single day.  Meaning each day your odds grow a little bit less and less as far as being seen and noticed in some sense.  One way to stand out is be different.  Be unique.  Try something new on your Profile page, I promise you won't break it.  Hit that Cancel button at anytime if things get weird.  Even if it makes someone say "that is soooo dumb."  Well, whatever you did made them stop and actually look at your profile and that is going to be a lot more than the majority of Social Media sheep can say.  Different is cool, trust me.


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