10 Ways to Shut Your Friends Up That Make Fun Of You For Blogging

1.) You think you're a good writer...
The days of pen and paper have been coming to an end really since computers took off in the early 2000's. Who needs to learn how to spell something when we can rely on that little red squiggly line under any of our mistakes? The truth is, most people aren't nearly as good of writers as they may think. With that said, the development of our writing has taken a drastic halt. There is no real on-going knowledge anymore as far as writing or grammar unless we have a specific reason for writing. I noticed when I first started blogging, that you don't need to become a better writer...it just sort of happens. And then something even scarier happened...I realized I sort of missed writing. The benefits of writing will not only help you in the work place, but your overall communication skills will improve.
2.) It's FREE
Everybody loves free. Especially if it could ultimately make you money or help make you money. Blogging is really like owning your own Newspaper. You can print this paper as often as you would like, with the preferred content you would like to write about. Sounds pretty good to me. Now, if you chose to purchase your own domain, you will pay out of pocket, but you do not have to. Not to mention, the risk/reward is out the roof. Why not?
3.) Know what to pay attention to
Think about how many images, videos, or links that you see on any given day. Tons. It's almost too much. Scratch that...it is too much. You must be able to develop a skill of self-filtering the content you see on a daily basis. Since I've started blogging, I have already improved that skill. What once may have taken me ten minutes to scroll through a profile or page, now takes me half the time simply by knowing what to look for.
By now, I think we realize anyone and everyone can say something on the internet. No matter where you are, who you are, how old you are, or any of that matters. However, we all hold the ball in our hands as far as what credibility we have across the web. Blogging allows what we said to be taken a little more (or less) serious. You know that little blue check mark on Twitter profiles, letting you see what accounts are legit and verified and which are not. Blogs allow you to create that little blue check next to your name. It's pretty neat.
5.) Constantly learning
"Knowledge is Power." You've seen that on a bumper sticker or two, right? Since graduating college, I've noticed I'm not as tuned into current events anymore as I would like to be. I don't have that constant schedule of learning and knowledge being fed to me as I did back in the day. Blogging hols you accountable. You must constantly tune in to what's happening around the world, what's being said in your industry, and find out what you could possibly talk about to make your blog as appealing as possible. If you are writing a blog, I promise you will learn something new each day.
Some of the top Social Media minds in the world use Blogs to promote their books, appearances, seminars, etc. Not only does it create another platform in making money, but just helps build the credibility of that person or brand. Many people have used Blogs to help launch their book or an online course they may offer. Don't just use Blogs to write, but also as another avenue in promoting yourself, your brand, and your ideas.
7.) Put your ideas on paper
Doesn't it make you mad when you have an idea, only to have your idea and thunder stolen by someone who had the courage to put that idea on to paper? And no matter what you say or how you say it, who do you think people will believe? GET YOUR IDEAS OUT THERE! Don't be shy. Geniuses did not write the first blog, I guarantee that. So whatever goofy idea you may have, I promise there has been a blog post even goofier. These ideas just may be the foundation for something very meaningful.
One of the things I enjoy most about blogging is being able to imagine I am having this conversation with someone sitting right next to me. I try not to write as if I am talking to an audience, but more so like I am talking with an individual very casually, say in a waiting area for example. Blogs really can have an impact on someone. When you read a blog, you almost feel like that person is talking to you directly. Blogs can motivate, inspire, and propel people to do things they may otherwise not have done.
9.) Meet new people
What's good about writing a Blog, is you never really know the exact type of audience that might come across your blog. Sure, you have a target audience in mind when you are writing, but you are constantly coming across people you may have never met otherwise. People can follow you on Facebook and Twitter, but it's not like they are promoting your brand or name for you. Blogging allows them to not only connect with you but in most cases, share and distribute your actual work and expertise for others to see.
The days of cute little resume templates and the importance of your resume could be dwindling. Look at your Blog as a new form of a resume. By now, hiring managers and head hunters don't really care so much about your resume building skills as they do your hands-on skills. Having a blog is something that can show several skill sets, and credit you with skills a resume may not be able to show.
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