As everyone knows by now, Social Media is constantly changing. The way we use Social Media, share Social Media, what's popular and what's not, even the way we keep track and evaluate Social Media changes regularly.  But we adapt.  We figure it out.  Develop a plan for 2016 and STICK TO IT. Rome wasn't built in a day, nor will your profile and follower base be. Here are some of the things to expect in Social Media for 2016.

          Images are becoming more and more vital to a successful marketing strategy.  People like pictures or videos more than words.  Period.  Instead of reading some long paragraph, people would prefer seeing a picture or info-graphic to express what you want to say.  Who has time to read these days anyway, right?  In 2016, companies will actually implement specific image strategies for their marketing.  What catches people's eyes?  What pictures NOT to share.  When and when NOT to share pictures.  You get the point.  Less is more in the visual world.  Pictures spark things that words just don't, it's as simple as that.  Get the picture? 


         With that said, the way we monitor and even search for certain images will change as well. Currently, there are numerous resources and platforms to search for and monitor text-based content shared on the web.  In 2016, plan on seeing new resources to help you search for certain images, even your brand's logo.  A great tool already making a name for itself is Gaze.  Recently acquired by Sysomos, Gaze allows you to search images with a particular topic, event, even your brand or logo. Think how useful it would be to see all of the images shared with your brand in it?  Pretty cool, huh?

          We all have our stubborn moments.  Now, whether we like to admit that or not is a different story.  Marketing campaigns and strategies have normally been tailored around a certain marketing initiative or idea for decades.  Not anymore.  Companies must use more of an "adaptive marketing" approach and not be so narrow minded towards their strategy.  The long-term relationship is the fish we are all going after, right?  Then you must adapt.  Adapt to your communities and the needs and wants of the people that influence your industry and more importantly, your brand.  

          As contradicting as this sounds, Social Media is actually becoming more and more private. The direct messages, private chat rooms, even group messages, are becoming more relevant each day. One major benefit of this from the consumer stand point, will be the means in which companies respond and carry out customer service.  A much more personal relationship will be created with a shift towards group messages between the brand and consumer.  This trend will also spark content to become less and less available for anyone to have access to.  The best, or most often valuable information, will only be available for those granted or allowed to see it.  


         People enjoy buying things.  Actually, people love buying things.  And when it is really simple to buy something, boy does that make them even happier.  E-Commerce buttons and that little shopping cart icon will continue becoming cooler everyday on the Social Media playground. Facebook, Instagram, even Pinterest, have incorporated the BUY button, and responsible for a great ROI this past Holiday Season.  I know I have bought something I have seen off of a Social Media platform, and only see that becoming more of a norm down the road.  This year, expect to possibly be entering your credit card information on to Facebook or Instagram.  Those 2-3 check-out lines you have in your store or restaurant just got a little bigger I'd say.  


          If you take one thing from this article, I want that to be the word "adapt."  Of all the articles, posts, blogs, etc. that I have read outlining predictions and what to expect in 2016, adapting over the course of the new year has been key for nearly all of them. Whether adapting to your audience, the content you share, the way in which you share, or even adapting to the types of images affiliated with your brand.  ADAPT. Most people don't like change.  I get it.  But you must know what influences your brand and I promise you, that will be changing constantly.  Have a successful 2016 and good luck!



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