Some new players in the app world are about to be knocking on the doors of some of the most popular icons are thumbs and index fingers can’t get enough of.  Here is a list of the top 8 apps to keep any eye out for the first of the year… (In no particular order)

1.) Shots – with the word “selfie” becoming more and more relevant each day (unfortunately) a new app breaks in to the scene in 2016, designed specifically for those oh so important selfie moments… imagine if “instagram” and “snapchat” had a baby... it would be shots.  It does have some features those two lack however.  It won’t be so focused on privacy and security, but more so connecting with people and being able to share your pictures.  You will not be able to comment on the pictures, but you can chat back and forth with others.

2.) Wanelo – what would be the perfect word for stuff you want, need, and love?  You guessed it... wanelo.  Allowing you to browse millions of retail avenues and save what you want, need, and love!  Could definitely rival “pinterest” in some popularity contests.  Will be a little more convenient to actually purchase items, sort of like an “etsy.”

3.) Slideshare – this could be an app I definitely see paring with “linkedin” if they were smart.  Slideshare allows you to create videos, slides, clips, etc. in more of a professional looking way.  “youtube” is probably the closest comparison I would say.  Very user friendly and I promise if you like “linkedin” you will like this app.

4.) Ello – I was waiting on somebody not to sell out in the social media universe.  Thank you ello.  For you “facebook” and even “tumblr” lovers, you may love ello even more.  The master mind of this app have sworn to never allowing advertising.   An entire marketing strategy and manifesto of calling out other apps that allow advertising was created, claiming they are “owned” by the advertisement industry.  Don’t jump to conclusion though… “facebook” isn’t going anywhere…

5.) Bebo – if anyone is sick of communicating back and forth via your best picture you have taken in the past month, bebo could be for you!  This app has actually been around for a little while.  It first started out competing with “facebook” and even “myspace,” but has recently re-launched  What I really like is you actually get to create a unique avatar and even custom illustrations to communicate back and forth with each other.

6.) Hyper – another clever and unique platform, hyper allows users to post and share photos similar to an “instagram.”  It also has an upvote/downvote feature based on the popularity of your post.  It also has a really interesting way of tagging your location in your pictures and finding others in your vicinity.

7.) This – you know that friend that posts literally every interaction and mediocre event they encounter.  Everyday.  Well then this is the site for you!  Instead of your newsfeed being cluttered with meaningless and irrelevant information you have to scroll through, this allows each user to only post or share one thing per day.  So tell that friend I talked about in the beginning that their worst nightmare has arrived.  Striving for simplicity, I definitely see this attracting a new crowd simply because of the value of each post.

8.) Yik-yak – comparable to “secret,” yik-yak allows to share your thoughts with others nearby.  Posts can also be upvoted based on the popularity of the post, so you can see posts people have found the most interesting at the top of your news feed.  You can also search what is being posted in certain locations.  So if you are in Los Angeles and want to know what they are talking about in New York, it is only a few clicks away.


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