Hello! My Name Is MILLENNIAL

This will be the year marketing changes. I mean really changes. The year where the modern consumer jumps on the bandwagon. The Millennial bandwagon that is. Millennials are considered to be anyone born around 1980-2000, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have the “Millennial Mindset.” Brands no longer target a certain age group, but rather those who have adopted the modernized way of marketing and being reached via marketing. So sit back, relax, and let me tell you why Millennials will shape the new era of marketing... you just might like it. Making up a quarter of the United States, Millennials remind me of that friend we all have. You know the one. If you meet them once, you probably won’t really like them to be honest. But after a few more hang-outs and convos, they begin to grow on you. No more do you just see the headphones, the cell phone, text this, tweet that. You finally see something more. Somethin...