
Showing posts from January, 2016

Hello! My Name Is MILLENNIAL

This will be the year marketing changes.  I mean really changes.  The year where the modern consumer jumps on the bandwagon.  The Millennial bandwagon that is.  Millennials are considered to be anyone born around 1980-2000, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have the “Millennial Mindset.”  Brands no longer target a certain age group, but rather those who have adopted the modernized way of marketing and being reached via marketing.  So sit back, relax, and let me tell you why Millennials will shape the new era of marketing... you just might like it. Making up a quarter of the United States, Millennials remind me of that friend we all have.  You know the one.  If you meet them once, you probably won’t really like them to be honest.  But after a few more hang-outs and convos, they begin to grow on you.  No more do you just see the headphones, the cell phone, text this, tweet that.  You finally see something more.  Somethin...


          It seems every decade or so, a new "gold" emerges. Oil. Solar energy. Wind. Even silver. All promised to be of similar importance and worth to the little shiny coins and nuggets themselves.  Data is not only becoming this new gold, but unlike oil for instance, data is not a one-hit-wonder type of product.  The value of data, if managed correctly, is constantly growing and improving at the same time. Data is nearly limitless.  This renewable force of information can be used in any industry, at any time, in any place.  Maybe we should be hoping data is at the end of the rainbow these days, and not those shiny little coins...           A major challenge nearly all business owners have and have always had, is specifc insights into their business, and the ability to use that insight to their benefit.  Sales history, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), industry predictions, even competitor insigh...

10 Ways to Shut Your Friends Up That Make Fun Of You For Blogging

OUR FRIENDS ARE QUITE THE JOKESTERS, HUH?  I'M SURE BY NOW IF YOU HAVE A CONTENT MARKETING ROLL OR CHOOSE TO BLOG IN YOUR FREE TIME YOU HAVE HEARD A COUPLE REMARKS FROM THE PEANUT GALLERY.  YOU KNOW WHAT, SCREW THEM...AND HERE'S WHY!  1.) You think you're a good writer... The days of pen and paper have been coming to an end really since computers took off in the early 2000's.  Who needs to learn how to spell something when we can rely on that little red squiggly line under any of our mistakes?  The truth is, most people aren't nearly as good of writers as they may think. With that said, the development of our writing has taken a drastic halt. There is no real on-going knowledge anymore as far as writing or grammar unless we have a specific reason for writing.  I noticed when I first started blogging, that you don't need to become a better just sort of happens.  And then something even scarier happened...I realized I sort ...


          As everyone knows by now, Social Media is constantly changing. The way we use Social Media, share Social Media, what's popular and what's not, even the way we keep track and evaluate Social Media changes regularly.  But we adapt.  We figure it out.  Develop a plan for 2016 and STICK TO IT. Rome wasn't built in a day, nor will your profile and follower base be. Here are some of the things to expect in Social Media for 2016.            Images are becoming more and more vital to a successful marketing strategy.  People like pictures or videos more than words.  Period.  Instead of reading some long paragraph, people would prefer seeing a picture or info-graphic to express what you want to say.  Who has time to read these days anyway, right?  In 2016, companies will actually implement specific image strategies for their marketing.  What catches people's eyes?  What p...