With 2015 coming to a close, Social Media also requires some end of the year attention.  Here are the Top Ten Chores for Social Media that you must not ignore as the new year approaches...

1.) Social Media Hygiene
A very effective way of saving your self some time, is doing some winter cleaning throughout your Social Media platforms.  Go through both your followers and those you follow and see if they are still relevant and worth following.  This will take out certain content that isn't valuable to yourself or your business.  Email Contacts, Followers, Lists, Connections, go through them all carefully and weed out the ones that are cluttering your newsfeed.

2.) Am I Mobile Enough?
If you haven't thought about how your customers or audience see you on their mobile devices, you need to get with the program, quick.  Internet users spend over 50% of their time on mobile devices in comparison to a desktop or laptop, not to mention Facebook alone reports close to 40% of their users are mobile only.  How it looks at your desk may not be how it looks on a smart phone.  Double check.

3.) Do Not Hibernate
With another Holiday approaching, it can be very easy to allow your Social Media game to slack a little bit.  However, you do not want all the hard work you put into your Social Media to dwindle in December, causing you to fall behind in the pack.  Trust me, I get it...More family dinners, left-overs, and the occasional snow-man is the recipe for a nice long nap any day of the week.  But before you do, make sure your Social Media is just as comfy as you are.

4.) Plan An Audit
I know, I know...Nobody likes the "A" word, but it is something that can really let you know where you stand from a Social Media standpoint.  What is working, what is not working and whether or not some reconsideration needs to be done on where your focus has been the past year.  List all your platforms, update any image or photos that seem a little stale, and check your metrics and analytics for each.  A key feature for most Social Media platforms is being able to track your Followers, Likes, Re-tweets, Opened Links, etc.  Use this feature to your advantage.  If you were playing basketball year-round, you would want to know your stats right?

5.) Plan Ahead in 2016
With so many Social Media avenues these days, it is very easy to feel overwhelmed at times.  YOU MUST have a Social Media calendar.  Having a clear overview of the content and what it is you have been and will be posting is key.  Have a minimum/maximum number of posts for each Social Media platform you are using.  Create a calendar for each month, and break it down as much as you would like.  Once you know the frequency of how much you will be posting, now break down the ideal time and place to post (i.e. 9:00-11:00 am on the weekdays is normally prime time.)

6.) Figure Out Your Budget
What made Social Media so great and still does to an extent, is that its free.  However, in a few years, Social Media ad selling could be well into the billions of dollars in the U.S. alone. Advertising?  In the United States? No way.  As hard as that is to believe, it is something that must be budgeted for. Especially if you are promoting a new product, special event, etc.  You didn't think Social Media was going to be free forever did you?  You know better...

7.) Share More Media
It's no secret that most people enjoy pictures, videos, gifs, really any type of media compared to some never-ending paragraph.  Not only do we process images quicker, but it just seems to hit more at home when you visually see something that sparks an interest, idea, or even memory.  It doesn't always have to be an image or video.  Graphs, presentations, charts, all can be just as effective as a catch picture or video.  So be creative and instead of writing a thousand words, let a picture or info-graph be worth twice that.

8.) Be Your Own Secret Shopper
As much as no one enjoys being called out for something, it's for our best, whether we like to admit it or not.  The same applies to our Social Media.  It is crucial to know what people are saying and thinking of you constantly.  Simply search for your company name or username and see what people have had to say about your or your company/brand.  Some you might not agree with and run into your typical arrogant customer who doesn't know what they're talking about, but the majority of time it really will be beneficial.

9.) What Makes You Different?
It's very easy to blend in on Social Media.  That is the opposite of what your goal should be.  Be unique, creative, and just simply be different.  Now I'm not saying go crazy and have just absurd things filling your profile, but you need to standout.  Say you were in someone else's shoes, why would you be interested in your company's page?  What is special and separates you from the numerous competitors trying to replicate the same exact Social Media presence?  If you're still thinking about that question, we might have a problem.

10.) Wrap Up
We made it to number ten!  And who said chores were so bad?  Now here's where you're going to hate me...Go back and make sure you have done numbers one through nine to a tee.   I know, I know, it's like your mother telling you to clean your room when you just did, but I promise it's for your own good.  Some of the points on this list will be easier to execute than others, so take your time.  Do not hurry through any of the chores just to get to the next.  Be thorough, and if you think it's boring, it probably is.  Now do your chores!



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