So... the Expo, Convention, Trade Show, or Conference is over huh...so now what the heck do you do? First, get some sleep. Monday needs to be productive not nap time. There is so much effort put into any Business Conference, Industry Convention, Trade Show or Expo, but sometimes we don't make the most of them. Why is that?
Throughout your trip, keep track of certain ideas, tips, and any general knowledge you feel may be beneficial to your company or more specifically, your team or department. If you see certain handouts or brochures, don't just grab one, grab a few!
People tend to get impatient when they get back from a business conference successfully compiling a nice prospect list in the process. I get it. But DO NOT reach out to them the day you get back, even the day after you get back. Sometime that next week is appropriate, not too soon, but not when the water has gone cold. Just keep in mind they have quite a bit on their plate when they get back as well, let them catch up first.
In the meantime...
1.) GET YOUR INBOX BACK TO - Inbox (0)
- Sometimes seeing that Inbox number is like waiting to see how you did on your Chemistry test as the teacher makes her way around class passing them out. I know you can keep up on your email with your phone, but take some time to read, organize, and act.
- Unless you are one of the top dogs at your place of employment, I'm guessing you probably didn't pay for all of this (some might have). With that said, take some time and reach out to those that approved you going. This can go a long way. Whether a friendly email, a quick stop into their office or just a "Thank You" in the elevator, it'll be worth it.
- Business Cards, Receipts, Expenses, etc. The list goes on of all the things you feel like you need to do when you get back. Take some time while everyone else unwinds as well and get yourself organized. Maybe you were in the middle of something before you left - finish up.
Remember that guy who was like your best friend for an hour that you promised some ridiculous pricing point for? You guessed it. Time to act on those little promises and incentive grenades you tossed this past weekend.
Make a note/reminder on your phone right when the words come out of your mouth. Well, not right when they do, but pretty close. One more drink at the Happy Hour Meet-N-Greet you may not remember his name. Use funny little ways to remember people. If they are wearing a catchy bow-tie, write on the back of their business card "bow-tie."
Throughout your trip, keep track of certain ideas, tips, and any general knowledge you feel may be beneficial to your company or more specifically, your team or department. If you see certain handouts or brochures, don't just grab one, grab a few!
- CREATE A LIST OF THINGS YOU TOOK FROM THE CONFERENCE - Keynote Speakers, Workshops, New Contacts and Contact Info, etc.
- CREATE A LIST OF THINGS TO SHARE WITH THE OFFICE - General Knowledge or Insight, What are we doing wrong/right, How can we improve, Let's try this, etc.
- NEXT YEAR - Normally the convention or expo will be held again next year. What can you do to improve the trip?
- TAKE THE SURVEY - More times than not, the committee of the conference sends out a post-conference survey. Don't just delete it. These can be very beneficial. You want next year to be better, right?
People tend to get impatient when they get back from a business conference successfully compiling a nice prospect list in the process. I get it. But DO NOT reach out to them the day you get back, even the day after you get back. Sometime that next week is appropriate, not too soon, but not when the water has gone cold. Just keep in mind they have quite a bit on their plate when they get back as well, let them catch up first.
In the meantime...
1.) GET YOUR INBOX BACK TO - Inbox (0)
- Sometimes seeing that Inbox number is like waiting to see how you did on your Chemistry test as the teacher makes her way around class passing them out. I know you can keep up on your email with your phone, but take some time to read, organize, and act.

- Unless you are one of the top dogs at your place of employment, I'm guessing you probably didn't pay for all of this (some might have). With that said, take some time and reach out to those that approved you going. This can go a long way. Whether a friendly email, a quick stop into their office or just a "Thank You" in the elevator, it'll be worth it.
- Business Cards, Receipts, Expenses, etc. The list goes on of all the things you feel like you need to do when you get back. Take some time while everyone else unwinds as well and get yourself organized. Maybe you were in the middle of something before you left - finish up.
Remember that guy who was like your best friend for an hour that you promised some ridiculous pricing point for? You guessed it. Time to act on those little promises and incentive grenades you tossed this past weekend.
Make a note/reminder on your phone right when the words come out of your mouth. Well, not right when they do, but pretty close. One more drink at the Happy Hour Meet-N-Greet you may not remember his name. Use funny little ways to remember people. If they are wearing a catchy bow-tie, write on the back of their business card "bow-tie."
One thing that goes a long way across any industry, no matter who you are working with, is keeping your word. Whether a simple email or an invite to an upcoming event, fulfilling your word earns trust and shows character.
Now, it's time to get to work. The first few days returning from a business trip, it is very easy to talk a big game, but not really take any action. I realize I said not to reach out to anyone immediately when you get back, but that doesn't mean go into hibernation. Gather any notes, workshop info or presentations, even discussions or speeches given that you were able to record. Break this info down into 3 groups:
RIGHT NOW - Take care of all tasks that require immediate action (i.e. post-conference blog/forum posts, expense report from the trip, registering for upcoming events/conferences you learned about, follow-up emails, etc.)
NEXT MONTH - What new ideas or new habits would you like to establish? They say it takes a minimum of 21 days (at least 3 weeks) to form new habits, so let's set some goals to achieve these new habits. This could be a certain specific tool of the trade or even a mindset focusing on having more confidence in the workplace, etc. Forming new habits take effort, focus, and most importantly, time. Give it a month.
NEXT YEAR - Changing the overall process or routine in the workplace can be tough. I want you to write down a WANT, a NEED, and a MUST, that you will accomplish over the course of the year.
- WANT - Your "want" can come in several forms. This could be a bad habit you realized you need to break after you returned from conference (bad email habits, bad phone tendencies, etc.) You may have had a great discussion with a potential partner in business you WANT to make your client by next year. Use your imagination and aim high. Make this a long-term goal, not something you will fix in a week.
- NEED - This part you might not like so much. Get over it. What we need, often times isn't necessarily what we want. It could be, but I want you to think of something you know NEEDS to change about yourself or company as a whole. A keynote speaker could have had a strong impact on you spiritually., something was brought to your attention by a competitor or client, etc.
- MUST - Sometimes we don't have an option. If a change is not made, you're going to regret it. Not adapting to a transition in your industry, being bias toward certain criticism, learning a new skill/trade at work you do not want to learn, etc. This list could go on and on. To each their own. What MUST you change over the course of the year? This could be something that has burdened you personally for years or even a MUST within your company. Companies didn't want to jump on the Social Media bandwagon...probably best they did.
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