Social Media and hashtags go together like milk and cookies, peanut butter and jelly, or really any cliche example of perfect duos you can think of. Like other resources provided via Social Media, hashtags are one we definitely need to be familiar with, inside and out. Hashtags can be a very reliable and traceable tool, but you must know how to use them effectively. I like to think of hashtags as a type of tool similar to the "Bat Signal." Yes, the same one Lt. Gordon would shine so brightly over the streets of Gotham City as a call to Batman. Such a simple image cast into the sky for a specific purpose. It can be seen from far and wide, and when you do see it, you know something is about to take place, good or bad. Unlike Gotham City, the world has no Batman (that we know of), but we do have millions and millions of Social Media users shining "Bat Signals" all across ...