Once upon a time, in a place far from here, lived a beautiful Email. This Email (or E-Mail) was beautiful, friendly, and essentially harmless. Sending messages all around the World, the Email began to grow greedy, selfish, and a bit shady. Soon, the Email began to hang around the wrong crowd - THE MARKETING CROWD ! Those clever, creative minds convinced the Email that it could be more. More than just a message. More than the exchange of a document. A tool for Marketing and Advertising professionals far and wide. A Marketing Email is still just an Email. And so...the Fallacy of the Email is born. A " fallacy " is a deceptive, misleading, or false notion, belief or misleading or unsound argument . The day that Marketing and Advertising met the beautiful Email was a monumental day for business. Not so much for the Email. Think about how many times a day you have to delete an Email that was A...