I f I had to guess, at some point this year you will be attending some sort of Conference, Seminar, or Event to potentially further your career. With so many other things going on in your life, you might not have time to really sit down and strategize how you can make the most of these networking opportunities. What do you say we change that... First and foremost, you must do your RESEARCH . Before any event or business conference you might be attending, make sure to do a little homework leading up to the event. Once you have RSVP'd or have reserved your spot, let the research begin. Here is your homework. Do NOT procrastinate! 1.) Who will be attending? 2.) Where is it? ( Any clients to visit while I'm in the neighborhood ) 3.) Print and save the schedule of the event, distribute to office before you leave ( Nice to know where you will be at all times ) 4.) Social Media? ( What will be the hashtag for the event, etc. ) 5.) Research the Guest Speak...