The Chicago Cubs are the 2016 World Champions of Baseball. Just saying that hasn't really sunk in yet, has it? Talk about being patient. For decades, the Cubs have had both winning and losing seasons, a Billy goat , and a man named Bartman steal the dreams of thousands millions. Achieving greatness takes discipline. It takes trust. It takes a group of individual skills coming together to accomplish a goal. I was first introduced to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) when I was given a book called, SEO Made Easy: Everything You Need To Know About SEO and Nothing More , by Evan Bailyn . It was my first day here at M1 Data & Analytics and I was eager to dive in and see what was so difficult with this SEO monster. Up to this point, I knew SEO was the reason why your link would or would not pop up in the search results, that's about it. One chapter after another, I realized this was no overnight type of task. I wasn't going to b...